Samuel Yvon's blog

My stupid thoughts

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[May 22 2024] nsec 2024

I had the chance yet again to go to nsec 2024 this year and it was… Much harder than last year. Less hardware reverse engineering than last year left me with fewer challenges I could attack right away. I also got stuck with the fun rectum challenge, which I’ll write about later when I solve it myself (I do have the challenge writer’s solution, but I want to understand & redo it myself). I however had fun with the “Stem Cell” challenge, which involved a GBA game image! Here’s how I played the game.

[June 17 2023] nsec 2023

I had the chance to go to nsec 2023 this year and it was definitely a blast. One challenge in particular, “Office Surveillance”, was an intimidating looking challenge in automatic reverse engineering, something I know nothing about. Here is how I solved the first challenge of the series.