Samuel Yvon's blog

My stupid thoughts

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nsec 2023: Office Surveillance

Since I’m writing quite late after the event, the details of the challenge might be a little bit wrong and my memory fuzzy, but it matters very little. Enjoy :)

The premise of this year’s nsec involved us being lowly employees at a “big corp”, something that none of us can relate to. Being spied by our corporate overlords, we needed to act out by hacking our way out, basically.

The challenge

Cameras were (in this make belief world) installed at our workstations to make sure we performed as required and were not distracted by whatever. Peek productivity must be preserved. Since this is an unacceptable privacy violation, we needed to disable said cameras.

We were provided an URL and a port. This was a secret communication channel with someone that could provide us with the firmware of the cameras. Once we had the firmware, we had to figure out the camera password to disable them. Oh, and since this is a secret communication channel, it would be closed by the server after ~2 minutes. So you had to be fast. No manual work here.

I started this challenge late day 2 out 3 and finished it few minutes before the end countdown. Needless to say, I rushed this quite a bit.

The solve

This was not trivial. The first thing I did was acquire a firmware for exploration. By whispering a sweet sentence to our secret lover on the other side of this socket, he would provide us with a fresh firwmare. This means that every time we attempt to solve the challenge, the firmware is different (this is where the automatic reverse enginnering part comes in, alongside the 2 minutes constraint).

URL = "9000:ff:1ce:ff:216:3eff:fe8c:4a0c"
PORT = 8000
PASSWORD = "I have come for the shadow training\r\n"
LOCAL_PATH = "/home/syvon/Desktop/nsec/fmw3.elf"

	s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	s.connect((URL, PORT))
	s = None

# Read question prompt

def sendmsg(msg: str, eol="\r\n") -> int:
	return s.send(f"{msg}{eol}".encode())

def read_until_line() -> str:
	str_buff = ""

		while True:
			b = s.recv(1).decode()
			str_buff += b
			if b == "\n":
        except socket.timeout:

        return str_buff

	_prompt = read_until_line()


	# Read warning
	_warning = read_until_line()

	sendmsg("")  # ok

	# Read firmware as a string
	fmw_b64_s = read_until_line().strip()

	raw_fmw = base64.b64decode(fmw_b64_s, validate=True)

The firmware was base64 encoded and the secret agent on the otherside of the channel expected a base64 encoded answer as well. Notice that I use raw sockets and basically sanitize everything by hand. nsec would have been a lot easier for me if I knew more about pwntools. Oh well, we’ll see at hackfest.

Anyways. I now have a firwmare. This is what it looks like once dissasembled:

undefined8 main(void)

  uint local_1c;
  uint local_18;
  uint local_14;
  int local_10;
  int local_c;
  if (local_1c % 0x55380c8a != 0x40f3c813) {
    puts("Wrong password.");
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  if (local_18 % 0x2fb1bc7 != 0x2c23061) {
    puts("Wrong password.");
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  if (local_14 % 0x1258e69c != 0x86e4e46) {
    puts("Wrong password.");
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  if (local_10 != -0x3fbdb917) {
    puts("Wrong password.");
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  if (local_c != -0x2af9c156) {
    puts("Wrong password.");
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  return 0;

That does not look so bad. The scanf format specifier wants 10 characters everytime to make a uint (%10u). The password is thus a 50 character string of digits that must satisfy two types of criteria. A modulo one, which means there are possibly more than a single valid value (which will come back to bite me in the ass) and an equality condition, which is simple enough to fullfill.

Looking at the dissasembly (in x86-64 asm) for the modulo part, it seems straigtforward enough to parse:

        004011c8 8b 45 ec        MOV        EAX,dword ptr [RBP + local_1c]
        004011cb b9 8a 0c        MOV        ECX,0x55380c8a
                 38 55
        004011d0 31 d2           XOR        EDX,EDX
        004011d2 f7 f1           DIV        ECX
        004011d4 81 fa 13        CMP        EDX,0x40f3c813
                 c8 f3 40

The values are right there for picking. Great!

For the equality part, I wasted a bunch of time with extracting the values:

        00401252 05 68 86        ADD        EAX,0xab2d8668
                 2d ab
        00401257 3d 51 cd        CMP        EAX,0x6b6fcd51
                 6f 6b
        0040125c 74 19           JZ         LAB_00401277
        0040125e 48 bf 09        MOV        RDI,s_Wrong_password._00402009                   = "Wrong password."
                 20 40 00 
                 00 00 00 00
        00401268 e8 c3 fd        CALL       <EXTERNAL>::puts                                 int puts(char * __s)
                 ff ff
        0040126d bf 01 00        MOV        EDI,0x1
                 00 00
        00401272 e8 d9 fd        CALL       <EXTERNAL>::exit                                 void exit(int __status)
                 ff ff
                             -- Flow Override: CALL_RETURN (CALL_TERMINATOR)

Notice that the cmp value (the != part) is right at instruction 00401257, which is simply enough to extract. At first, I did not notice that there is a sneaky little ADD instruction right before, which ghidra “takes care” of simplifying for us. This cost me a lot of time (second mistake!).

Trying out a manually crafted string on this firmware, I was able to solve it manually without too much trouble, hooray!

Automatically doing this

Again, pwntools would have been great to know more about, because it provides easier wrappers for all you are about to see. I did know about subprocess and objdump however :D

	proc_ret =["objdump", LOCAL_PATH, "-d"], capture_output=True)
	dis = proc_ret.stdout.decode()

	main_section = extract_main(dis)
	logic_blocks = extract_logic_blocks(main_section)
	numbers = list(filter(len, map(logic_block_to_number, logic_blocks)))

I basically open an objdump process, extract the output to get basically what ghidra sees, get the main block, split it in logical parts (every if condition in the C snippet) and get valid numbers. Some logical blocks do not map to numbers so I filter them out. Apparently there’s a ghidra-headless mode that I could have used, but I don’t know anything about that.

Also gdb could have provided a clean output as I discovered from another solve: gdb -batch -ex 'file fmw1.elf' -ex 'disassemble main' > run.asm

I can then send back the answer to the server:

    for i, num in enumerate(numbers):
        print(f"{i + 1}. {num} ({len(num)})")

    answer = "".join(numbers)

    print(f"[AS]=> {answer} ({len(answer)})")

    answer_64 = base64.b64encode(answer.encode())

    print(f"[64]=> {answer_64}")

    # Encode in b64 and send

        # Read response from server

Let’s explore how we actually extract things. Extracting the main section is straight forward enough:

def extract_main(main_dis: str):
    start = "<main>"
    end = ".fini"

    start_i = main_dis.index(start)
    end_i = main_dis.index(end)

    sub = main_dis[start_i: end_i + 1]
    lines = sub.splitlines()[1:-1]

    main_dis = "\n".join(lines)
    if DEBUG:
        print("MAIN DIS")

    return main_dis

Basically find the “<main>” identifier and the next “.fini” part and grab that. This gives us the entire main function in x86-64 (in objdump output format).

Next up, we look at the logical blocks that we can extract:

def extract_logic_blocks(main_section: str) -> List[str]:
    zero_block = "00 00 00"

    blocks = []

    s = 0
    lines = main_section.splitlines()
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.strip().endswith(zero_block):
            s = i

    return blocks

We split by 00 00 00. I don’t remember exactly what that divides, I think it might be the exit syscall. Either way, splitting over the zero block worked, but returned a section or two which had no logic to extract (thus the aforementionned len filter).

After a bit of looking, it’s simply the end of the mov addresses, so it splits right before the puts calls.

The actual logic extraction

Every block is then mapped to this function:

def logic_block_to_number(logic_block: str) -> str:
    if "cmp" not in logic_block:
        return ""

    # mod block
    if "div" in logic_block:
        r = parse_div_block(logic_block)
        r = parse_neq_block(logic_block)

    l = len(r)

    if l > 0:
        r = "0" * (10 - l) + r

    return r

As you can see, if no cmp instruction is contained in the block, there’s no analysis to be done, so we can skip it. Next, we check if there is a div instruction. This is what makes the modulo operation (div computes the integer division and the remainder, all in one instruction).

def parse_neq_block(neq_block: str) -> str:
    add_value = _parse_int32(ADD_REGEX.findall(neq_block)[0])
    cmp_value = _parse_int32(CMP_REGEX.findall(neq_block)[0])

    num = np.uint32(cmp_value - add_value)

    value_as_str = str(int(num))
    return value_as_str

This parses the neq blocks to find the proper number to feed. Since there’s a sneaky add, we also find it. We can compute what ghidra shows us by simply subtracting the two numbers. Notice how I do perform this with numpy. This was a real shitshow. Python is great for people that don’t care about fixed integer precision and signedness. However, when you do, you will suffer. Since everything needed to be unsigned, I had to provide positive numbers. However, computing the two’s complement did not work; because of the “infinite” number of trailing zeros (in retrospec, just & 0xFFFFFFFF) would have worked). I wasted a bunch of time on this as well, but in the end numpy came in to the rescue with a simple enough solution.

The poorly named function _parse_int32 actually parses a uint32:

def _parse_int32(subs) -> int:
    if len(subs) != 8:
        missing = 8 - len(subs)
        subs = "0" * missing + subs

    parts = [
        int(subs[i:i + 2], 16) for i in range(0, 8, 2)

    return int.from_bytes(bytes(parts), byteorder='big', signed=False)

Again, there’s probably a better way of doing this but when you’ve got little time, you do what you got to do.

Now that I write this, this can be replaced with int(sub, 16) , oops! I went through a bunch of iterations because I was fighting mistake #2 in the wrong places.

def parse_div_block(div_block: str) -> str:
    mod = _parse_int32(MOD_REGEX.findall(div_block)[0])
    neq = _parse_int32(CMP_REGEX.findall(div_block)[0])

    if mod > neq:
        add = neq
        add = np.int32(mod + neq)

    add_as_str = str(add)

    return add_as_str

The div block is actually quite easy to parse, with a little bit of np’s help.

All the regexes used are fairly simple and match the output of my local objdump:

ADD_REGEX = re.compile(r"add    \$0x(.*),%eax")
CMP_REGEX = re.compile(r"cmp    \$0x(.*),")
MOD_REGEX = re.compile(r"mov    \$0x(.*),%ecx")

And this is it! When I assembled it all, I got a tiny script and was rewarded with a flag worth a meaningful amount of points, right?


Unfortunately, it seems I misunderstood a part of the challenge. While my script was indeed finding a correct solution for every firmware thrown my way, I was never able to get the points. Every 50 characters input string produced by my script would reach the mighty exit 0. Base64 encoding the answer back was easy enough, and I’ve sent data over a socket, so I don’t think that was the issue.

Looking at the official solve, it seems the problem lies with the fact that I compute a single solution for every modulo. Other solutions compute a bunch and send them all in sequence, until the secret agent at the other end of the line accepts one of them. It’s a bit frustrating, but ultimately minor changes to my solution can compute more modulo alternatives. Speaking with the challenge creator afterwards, he mentionned that any modulo alternative should have worked. This also leads me to believe that I might just needed to solve the firmware for more than a single camera in a row until I got a firmware. When replying with the answer, the agent said something along the lines of “try again”, so I wasn’t sure if I had to do it again for the same firwmare, or on another firmware (every “try again” message was followed by another firmware, but I recall it looking similar in base64).

I guess I’ll never know :)

What really angered me however, is the official solve. The problem is basically free if you know about this one tool, appropriately named angr. It performs exactly what I did here, but as a general constrained problem. Given a set of valid input strings (expressed as constraints), it will solve the constraints to give you an input that reaches the desired state of the program, in this cased a “Deactivated” output string.



Overall, this is a pretty amateurish solve in the CTF world (technically, it does not even work!). However, I’m quite satisfied, this was an involved challenge without angr. There was nothing outlandishly complicated with this challenge, just a lot of tiny annoying parts, especially doing this under the constraints of the event (ie, tired) and doing this without any tool to facilitate.

The binary extraction part definitely could have been better. With a better dissasembly than what is provided by objdump it might have been cleaner to extract the relevant parts. Getting rid of the _parse_int32 would also make it cleaner. But like someone at the event said: “it’s a CTF 🙂 hacky/botchy/suboptimal approaches that work are what makes it amazing 😄” (however mine does not really work hehe)

I also did a lot of useless validation on what I answered back. (Length check and all). This isn’t prod, this is a CTF! The proper solution should have gotten the right answer. Again, I was fighting the server not accepting my answers, so I was validating everything.

Next time I’ll use pwntools and angr!

Here is the full program. It never checks for a flag in an answer because it does not repeat. I expected the flag to come right after.

import base64
import numpy as np
import re
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import List

URL = "9000:ff:1ce:ff:216:3eff:fe8c:4a0c"
PORT = 8000
PASSWORD = "I have come for the shadow training\r\n"
LOCAL_PATH = "/home/syvon/Desktop/nsec/fmw3.elf"

DEBUG = True

ADD_REGEX = re.compile(r"add    \$0x(.*),%eax")
CMP_REGEX = re.compile(r"cmp    \$0x(.*),")
MOD_REGEX = re.compile(r"mov    \$0x(.*),%ecx")

def _parse_int32(subs) -> int:
    if len(subs) != 8:
        missing = 8 - len(subs)
        subs = "0" * missing + subs

    parts = [
        int(subs[i:i + 2], 16) for i in range(0, 8, 2)

    return int.from_bytes(bytes(parts), byteorder='big', signed=False)

def parse_div_block(div_block: str) -> str:
    mod = _parse_int32(MOD_REGEX.findall(div_block)[0])
    neq = _parse_int32(CMP_REGEX.findall(div_block)[0])

    if mod > neq:
        add = neq
        add = np.int32(mod + neq)

    add_as_str = str(add)

    return add_as_str

def parse_neq_block(neq_block: str) -> str:
    add_value = _parse_int32(ADD_REGEX.findall(neq_block)[0])
    cmp_value = _parse_int32(CMP_REGEX.findall(neq_block)[0])

    num = np.uint32(cmp_value - add_value)

    value_as_str = str(int(num))
    return value_as_str

def logic_block_to_number(logic_block: str) -> str:
    if "cmp" not in logic_block:
        return ""

    # mod block
    if "div" in logic_block:
        r = parse_div_block(logic_block)
        r = parse_neq_block(logic_block)

    l = len(r)

    if l > 0:
        r = "0" * (10 - l) + r

    return r

def extract_logic_blocks(main_section: str) -> List[str]:
    zero_block = "00 00 00"

    blocks = []

    s = 0
    lines = main_section.splitlines()
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.strip().endswith(zero_block):
            s = i

    return blocks

def extract_main(main_dis: str):
    start = "<main>"
    end = ".fini"

    start_i = main_dis.index(start)
    end_i = main_dis.index(end)

    sub = main_dis[start_i: end_i + 1]
    lines = sub.splitlines()[1:-1]

    main_dis = "\n".join(lines)
    if DEBUG:
        print("MAIN DIS")

    return main_dis

def main():
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.connect((URL, PORT))
        s = None

    # Read question prompt

    def sendmsg(msg: str, eol="\r\n") -> int:
        return s.send(f"{msg}{eol}".encode())

    def read_until_line() -> str:
        str_buff = ""

            while True:
                b = s.recv(1).decode()
                str_buff += b
                if b == "\n":
        except socket.timeout:

        return str_buff

        _prompt = read_until_line()


        # Read warning
        _warning = read_until_line()

        sendmsg("")  # ok

        # Read firmware as a string
        fmw_b64_s = read_until_line().strip()

        raw_fmw = base64.b64decode(fmw_b64_s, validate=True)

        with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="fmw_", suffix=".elf") as ntf:
            path = Path(

            shutil.copy(path, LOCAL_PATH)

            proc_ret =["objdump", str(path), "-d"], capture_output=True)
            dis = proc_ret.stdout.decode()
        proc_ret =["objdump", LOCAL_PATH, "-d"], capture_output=True)
        dis = proc_ret.stdout.decode()

    # Compute the answer
    main_section = extract_main(dis)
    logic_blocks = extract_logic_blocks(main_section)
    numbers = list(filter(len, map(logic_block_to_number, logic_blocks)))

    for i, num in enumerate(numbers):
        print(f"{i + 1}. {num} ({len(num)})")

    answer = "".join(numbers)

    print(f"[AS]=> {answer} ({len(answer)})")

    answer_64 = base64.b64encode(answer.encode())

    print(f"[64]=> {answer_64}")

    # Encode in b64 and send

        # Read response from server

if __name__ == '__main__':

Just to prove to myself that it does work, here is how it works on 3 firmwares that I have saved from the event: (I cut the output of my script which prints a bunch of irrelevant things)

$ ./ # hardcoded fmw1.elf in local path
 [AS]=> 33539974671917731587009210099410422577653903669765 (50)
$ echo "33539974671917731587009210099410422577653903669765" | ./fmw1.elf

$ ./ # hardcoded fmw2.elf in local path
 [AS]=> 16117043252740620650229748150501002654140000745959 (50)
$ echo "16117043252740620650229748150501002654140000745959" | ./fmw2.elf

$ ./ # hardcoded fmw3.elf in local path
 [AS]=> 10897182910046280801014144672632255690013573956266 (50)
$ echo "10897182910046280801014144672632255690013573956266" | ./fmw3.elf