Samuel Yvon's blog

My stupid thoughts

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nsec 2024: Stem Cells (I don’t recall the exact name…)

The premise of this year’s nsec was again company related, but this time we were shrunk to work on our main customer’s body! Somehow code was our way to fix his bodily functions, so we could do something about this hot mess of a man (truly, all of his body functions are gone).

The challenge

Given with a .gba file and a potentially equivalent .elf file, we had to fix our patient’s genetics. Not much to go on until you start digging in! The instructions definitely pushed us towards using a Game Boy emulator to run up the image.

The solve

Part 1: Exploration

Let’s start by checking if the .gba is indeed a valid Game Boy image:

> file stem_cell_generator_advance.gba
stem_cell_generator_advance.gba: Game Boy Advance ROM image: "level_1" (000000, Rev.00)

Alrighty then!

Now let’s boot it. I never booted up a GBA image before, but quick googling let me to “Visual Boy Advance”. Let’s try that!

Screenshot of the console

It works! But the controls are wonky.

After fiddling around with the control settings of the emulator, a quick overview of the game shows that we can go left to right to change the letter our (invisible) cursor is on, and using up/down we can cycle through the alphabet. Pressing enter (I don’t know what’s the real GBA equivalent, I never had one) will submit our answer to the almighty algorithm, that tells us that we are wrong by freezing the emulator (at least on my machine). At this point, it’s pretty easy to guess that the goal is unlocking the combination…

>>> 26 ** 4

That’s moderately large, but not out of reach? It did seemed like a lot of hassle to brute force through the emulator, and I hadn’t looked at the elf file yet. We’ll brute force it if nothing else works.

Part 2: Exploration with our friend Ghidra

It’s now time to pray our .elf file has not been obfuscated to hell and back. Opening with Ghidra and decompiling… Oh! Wait! What even is this elf? Is this the game?

> file stem_cell_generator_advance.elf
stem_cell_generator_advance.elf: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped

The ARM7TDMI (ARM7 + 16 bit Thumb + JTAG Debug + fast Multiplier + enhanced ICE) processor implements the ARMv4 instruction set. It was licensed for manufacture by an array of semiconductor companies. In 2009, it was one of the most widely used ARM cores, and is found in numerous deeply embedded system designs. It was used in the popular video game console Game Boy Advance.

So I guess it is the game!

Also what are

deeply embedded system designs

? lol

Looking around in Ghidra, we can see that stuff has been left to a sane state. Which will help us, because there is a lot of stuff to look at. Knowing it’s probably a game, I look for loop… and predictably, I find the main_loop function. Success.

void main_loop(void) {
  undefined4 uVar1;
  int iVar2;
  undefined auStack_38 [20];
  undefined4 local_24;
  undefined4 local_20;
  undefined4 local_1c;
  char *local_18;
  undefined4 local_14;
  int local_10;
  int local_c;
  local_10 = tte_get_context();
  for (local_c = 0; local_c < 4; local_c = local_c + 1) {
    (&key_chars)[local_c * 0xc] = 0x41;
  cursor._0_4_ = 0;
  uVar1 = bytes2word(0xd,0xf,0,0);
  local_14 = tte_get_surface();
  local_18 = "#{P}#{ci:1;cs:2}#{ci:13;cs:15}#{ci:1;cs:2}#{ci:13;cs:15}\n#{ci:3;cs:4}#{ci:7;cs:9}";
  local_1c = 0x80;
  local_20 = 0x20;
  local_24 = 0x40;
  _DAT_04000018 = 0x80;
  _DAT_0400001a = 0x20;
  _DAT_0400000c = 0xcc08;
  _DAT_04000000 = 0x2500;
  do {
    iVar2 = key_hit(0x20);
    if ((iVar2 != 0) && (cursor._0_4_ = cursor._0_4_ + -1, (int)cursor._0_4_ < 0)) {
      cursor._0_4_ = 0;
    iVar2 = key_hit(0x10);
    if ((iVar2 != 0) && (cursor._0_4_ = cursor._0_4_ + 1, 3 < (int)cursor._0_4_)) {
      cursor._0_4_ = 0;
    iVar2 = key_hit(0x40);
    if ((iVar2 != 0) &&
       ((&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] = (&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] + '\x01',
       0x5a < (byte)(&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc])) {
      (&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] = 0x41;
    iVar2 = key_hit(0x80);
    if ((iVar2 != 0) &&
       ((&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] = (&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] + -1,
       (byte)(&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] < 0x41)) {
      (&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] = 0x5a;
    *(undefined2 *)(local_10 + 0x14) = 0x14;
    *(undefined2 *)(local_10 + 0x16) = 0x1e;
    tte_write("Stem Cell Generator Advance v0.2");
    *(undefined2 *)(local_10 + 0x14) = 100;
    *(undefined2 *)(local_10 + 0x16) = 0x5a;
    for (local_c = 0; local_c < 4; local_c = local_c + 1) {
      tte_putc((&key_chars)[local_c * 0xc]);
    iVar2 = key_hit(8);
    if (iVar2 != 0) {
  } while( true );

Oh lord. It looks like Ghidra wasn’t too sure of the types of some variable but it’s not a big deal. We can quickly spot some juicy stuff however:

    if ((iVar2 != 0) && (cursor._0_4_ = cursor._0_4_ + -1, (int)cursor._0_4_ < 0)) {
      cursor._0_4_ = 0;
    iVar2 = key_hit(0x10);
    if ((iVar2 != 0) && (cursor._0_4_ = cursor._0_4_ + 1, 3 < (int)cursor._0_4_)) {
      cursor._0_4_ = 0;

This matches code that would move the cursor sideways, with cursor being the cursor variable.

And we have this nice nibblet:

    if ((iVar2 != 0) &&
       ((&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] = (&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] + -1,
       (byte)(&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] < 0x41)) {
      (&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] = 0x5a;

So at this point, it’s pretty damn clear it’s the game, and the main loop controls the key_chars, which is the array of letters being selected. Reading some more, we strike gold:


This must be what happens when we submit our answer. Let’s check it out.

Part 3: Diving deeper and being really confused

void process_blood_type(void) {
  int iVar1;
  undefined auStack_174 [4];
  undefined local_170;
  undefined auStack_16c [5];
  undefined local_167;
  undefined auStack_164 [5];
  undefined local_15f;
  undefined auStack_15c [292];
  char acStack_38 [28];
  char *local_1c;
  char *local_18;
  int local_14;
  memcpy(auStack_15c + 4,
  iVar1 = evaluation_routine();
  if (iVar1 != 1) {
    do {
      local_1c = 
    } while( true );
  for (local_14 = 0; local_14 < 5; local_14 = local_14 + 1) {
    auStack_15c[local_14] = auStack_15c[(uint)key_chars + local_14 + 4];
  auStack_15c[5] = 0;
  for (local_14 = 0; local_14 < 5; local_14 = local_14 + 1) {
    auStack_164[local_14] = auStack_15c[(uint)DAT_03000250 + local_14 + 4];
  local_15f = 0;
  for (local_14 = 0; local_14 < 5; local_14 = local_14 + 1) {
    auStack_16c[local_14] = auStack_15c[(uint)DAT_0300025c + local_14 + 4];
  local_167 = 0;
  for (local_14 = 0; local_14 < 4; local_14 = local_14 + 1) {
    auStack_174[local_14] = auStack_15c[(uint)DAT_03000268 + local_14 + 4];
  local_170 = 0;
  do {
    local_18 = "#{P}#{ci:1;cs:2}#{ci:13;cs:15}#{ci:1;cs:2}#{ci:13;cs:15}\n#{ci:3;cs:4}#{ci:7;cs:9}";
  } while( true );



Looking in, it’s pretty clear this builds the flag from 4 substrings. I imagine each is computed from each letter, but I don’t know that since they refer to key_chars, DAT_03000250, DAT_0300025c and DAT_03000268 respectively, and beside key_chars, I don’t know what the hell those DAT_* are.

Also take a look at

  iVar1 = evaluation_routine();
  if (iVar1 != 1) {
    do {
      local_1c = 
    } while( true );

We have another nugget here; if we call evaluation_routine and do not get 1, we end up in a while loop. So far, except for DAT_*, everything seems as expected. Now let’s look at key_chars in the dissassembly:

                             key_chars                                       XREF[18]:  (ommited)
        03000244                 undefined1 ??
        03000245                 ??         ??
        03000246                 ??         ??
        03000247                 ??         ??
        03000248                 ??         ??
        03000249                 ??         ??
        0300024a                 ??         ??
        0300024b                 ??         ??
        0300024c                 ??         ??
        0300024d                 ??         ??
        0300024e                 ??         ??
        0300024f                 ??         ??

key_chars is 12 bytes? 3 bytes per char? What? I wasted a bunch of time exploring how this 3 bytes per char could work. But the code shown above does not give any clue. I was also puzzled about the other symbols (only included is DAT_0300250, the rest are the same).

                             DAT_03000250                                    XREF[2]:     evaluation_routine:08000586(R), 
        03000250                 undefined1 ??
        03000251                 ??         ??
        03000252                 ??         ??
        03000253                 ??         ??
        03000254                 ??         ??
        03000255                 ??         ??
        03000256                 ??         ??
        03000257                 ??         ??
        03000258                 ??         ??
        03000259                 ??         ??
        0300025a                 ??         ??
        0300025b                 ??         ??

Also 12 bytes…


I’m stupid.

The addresses are all consecutive. It’s 12 bytes PER char. Ah. Not much saner (but it’s ARM so I guess?), but it makes sense with the rest of the code:

      // SAM:                      12
      (&key_chars)[cursor._0_4_ * 0xc] = 0x41; // SAM: flip to 'A' when rollover

Thankfully, I did not waste too much time on this (but more than I’ll ever admit).

Ok! So now I know that key_chars is refered in Ghidra as the first characters, and the DAT_* refer to the following ones. Great! We can now dive in evaluation_routine!

Part 4: The logic puzzle

undefined8 evaluation_routine(void) {
  undefined4 uVar1;
  undefined4 in_lr;
  if ((key_chars & 0xf0) == 0x40) {
    if ((key_chars & 0xf) == 5) {
      if ((char)DAT_03000250 < '\0') {
        uVar1 = 0;
      else if ((DAT_03000250 & 0x40) == 0) {
        uVar1 = 0;
      else if ((DAT_03000250 & 0x20) == 0) {
        if ((DAT_03000250 & 0x10) == 0) {
          if ((DAT_03000250 & 8) == 0) {
            if ((DAT_03000250 & 4) == 0) {
              uVar1 = 0;
            else if ((DAT_03000250 & 2) == 0) {
              uVar1 = 0;
            else if ((DAT_03000250 & 1) == 0) {
              uVar1 = 0;
            else if ((DAT_03000250 ^ DAT_0300025c) == 0x16) {
              if ((DAT_03000268 & 0x40) == 0x40) {
                if ((DAT_03000268 & 0xf) == 0xb) {
                  uVar1 = 1;
                else {
                  uVar1 = 0;
              else {
                uVar1 = 0;
            else {
              uVar1 = 0;
          else {
            uVar1 = 0;
        else {
          uVar1 = 0;
      else {
        uVar1 = 0;
    else {
      uVar1 = 0;
  else {
    uVar1 = 0;
  return CONCAT44(in_lr,uVar1);

Ah, yes. Great code right there (I know, it’s probably Ghidra… or is it!). In truth, we don’t really care about the bottom half of the routine. Except for the weird CONCAT44 which is a Ghidra pseudo instruction, it even seems pretty simple. The odd thing about the CONCAT is the in_lr variable which is refered from nowhere, but we’ll assume uVar1 is enough and in_lr stays quiet at 0.

If in_lr is not 0, than the return result will never be equal to 1, so this entire solve would have to backtrack. Let’s think positive and move on.

The goal is now to get to the single uVar1 = 1; instruction by setting each letter so it satisfies all the conditions thrown to them:

  if ((key_chars & 0xf0) == 0x40) {
    if ((key_chars & 0xf) == 5) {
      if ((char)DAT_03000250 < '\0') {
        uVar1 = 0;
      else if ((DAT_03000250 & 0x40) == 0) {
        uVar1 = 0;
      else if ((DAT_03000250 & 0x20) == 0) {
        if ((DAT_03000250 & 0x10) == 0) {
          if ((DAT_03000250 & 8) == 0) {
            if ((DAT_03000250 & 4) == 0) {
              uVar1 = 0;
            else if ((DAT_03000250 & 2) == 0) {
              uVar1 = 0;
            else if ((DAT_03000250 & 1) == 0) {
              uVar1 = 0;
            else if ((DAT_03000250 ^ DAT_0300025c) == 0x16) {
              if ((DAT_03000268 & 0x40) == 0x40) {
                if ((DAT_03000268 & 0xf) == 0xb) {
                  uVar1 = 1;

Every instruction seems to compare only against a byte, so I’ll assume each value is bound within the capitalized alphabet and there’s no odd shifting I missed. Here are all the conditions I collected, with C_i being the ith letter:

C_0 & 0xF0 == 0x40
C_0 & 0x0F == 0x05

c_1 & 0x40 != 0
c_1 & 0x20 == 0
c_1 & 0x10 == 0
c_1 & 0x08 == 0
c_1 & 0x04 != 0
c_1 & 0x02 != 1

c_2 ^ c_1 == 0x16

c_3 & 0x40 == 0x40
c_3 & 0x0F == 0x0B

I could compute that by hand, but…

Part 5: Python, a hacker’s best-friend

VALID = {(ord('A') + i) for i in range(26)}

def fc0():
    candidates = []
    for c0 in range(256):
        if (c0 & 0xF0 == 0x40) and (c0 & 0xF == 0x05):
    candidates = list(set(candidates).intersection(VALID))
    print("C0 is within:", list(map(chr, candidates)))

def fc1():
    candidates = []
    for c1 in range(256):
        if (c1 & 0x40 != 0) and \
           (c1 & 0x20 == 0) and \
           (c1 & 0x10 == 0) and \
           (c1 & 0x08 == 0) and \
           (c1 & 0x04 != 0) and \
           (c1 & 0x02 != 1):
    candidates = list(set(candidates).intersection(VALID))
    print("C1 is within:", list(map(chr, candidates)))
    return candidates
def fc2(fc1):
    candidates = []
    for c1 in fc1:
        for c2 in range(256):
            if (c2 ^ c1) == 0x16:

    print("C2 is within:", list(map(chr, candidates)))

def fc3():
    candidates = []
    for c3 in range(256):
        if (c3 & 0x40 == 0x40) and (c3 & 0xF == 0x0B):
    candidates = list(set(candidates).intersection(VALID))
    print("c3 is within:", list(map(chr, candidates)))

def main():
    c1 = fc1()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run and…

C0 is within: ['E']
C1 is within: ['D', 'E', 'F', 'G']
C2 is within: ['R', 'S', 'P', 'Q']
c3 is within: ['K']

Oh damnit. I was hoping for a single solution. Thankfully, because there is a 1:1 mapping between C1 and C2 (because of the xor, the arrays are aligned) there are 4 possible solutions, not 16. But it’s also possible that I missed a condition?

At this point my heart was pounding really hard. I had been struggling on another problem before and was pretty down on myself, but I felt so close to a breakthrough. I did not care if those multiple solutions were a mistake, I had to try them.

Nope meme #1

Alright, 3 more solutions. There is hope.

Nope meme #2

Ok, this is getting annoying.

Nope meme #3

Oh I’m cooked here. This is not it. in_lr is some magic number never equal to 0 or something… Heart races faster, mental panic ensues, one last try…

The Flag shown in the console

Ah yes. The taste of a fresh flag. Problem SOLVED!

> askgod submit FLAG-...
3 points!

Oh yes meme

Turning off the GBA, closing Ghidra and reflecting

Overall it was a cool challenge! It really wasn’t that hard once I figured out the 12 bytes per char quirk. The decompilation was monstruous but by looking for main_loop I was able to narrow it down pretty quickly. I did not need to rename symbols since it was all pretty easy to follow. Once I solve (post-event) rectum.elf I’ll make a post about it, since it’s much more complicated, and will teach me much more about reverse engineering and memory exploitation than this challenge. Knowing what I know now, it’s also a good lesson in using the proper tools for basic exploration.